2021 Financial Calendar

EPSILON NET S.A in accordance to Articles 4.1.2 & of the new Athens Stock Exchange Regulation announces its Financial Calendar for 2021.

Monday February 22, 2021:
Press Release for the Fiscal Year 2020 Basic Financial Results

• Wednesday March 17, 2021:
Publication of the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 2020

• Monday March 22, 2021:
Annual analyst meeting

Wednesday June 30, 2021:
Annual Ordinary General Meeting of the shareholders

Tuesday July 20, 2021:
Ex coupon date for the dividend

• Wednesday July 21 2021:
Record date

Tuesday July 27, 2021:
Distribution of dividend

The financial results will be released before the opening of the market on Athens Stock Exchange on the release day, at the corporate website (www.epsilonnet.gr) and the website of the Athens Stock Exchange (www.helex.gr).

Announcements - Press Releases